Tours: are scheduled on a daily basis and evening appointments are also available.
Move in fee: Once the facility is selected, putting down a Move in fee reserves the room; at which point, we stop marketing the available room. This fee will hold the bedroom for up to 14 days prior to move in date. Admission papers can be obtained once the room is reserved.
Evaluation: After the room is reserved, a representative from the facility evaluates the prospective resident at their current location and creates a care plan after doing a thorough chart review. Date of Admission is usually within 14-days after the move in fee is put down.
Waiting Lists: List yourself on our Waiting list to ensure availability. Once an opening is anticipated, we notify everyone on the list and rooms are secured on a first come first serve basis.
Admission Papers: Our Contracts are on a month-to-month basis and specify the rental terms and the bed-hold policies along with other specifications.
Admission Charges: We also offer all-inclusive rates which are inclusive of utilities, Incontinence Supplies, Nutritional supplements and the level of care. Salon charges are billed separately.
Finances required upon admission:
One-time Move in fee.
First month rent.
Financial Solutions: Medicare and HMO insurances do not pay for Assisted Living room and board. They cover the doctor visits, medical tests, prescriptions etc. but the Assisted Living monthly rent is considered a “Cost of Living” which comes along with medical assistance. Our locations are Private- Pay facilities as well as ALTCS approved (North Phoenix location only).
The following entities help towards Assisted Living monthly costs:
The Veterans Administration helps Veterans and their spouses to supplement towards the Assisted Living monthly rent.
We work with most Long Term Insurance plans.